Hello... I'm Kelechi Ngaka a computer scientist who makes things (code/food/designs), and welcome to my awesome blog powered by Blogger

Kelechi's Blog new look


For a while I've been using Blogger Dynamic Views for my blog which uses html5 and gives your blog that ravishing look. I've read from different sites the disadvantages of Blogger Dynamic Views.

Despite the demerits, Kelechi's Blog still used the Dynamic Views and this affected our blog statistics. In the stats, nigeria ranked 2nd in the total no of pageviews by audience. More also the Mobile Os audience dropped on the Operating System category and consequently resulting in reduction of number of our total hits. Now I tried viewing my blog using mobile O.S emulators on high and low bandwidths and had numerous problems. These were the same problems experienced by visitors.

So we decided to redesign the website overnight. This new design's gonna aid mobile and web users to swiftly visit and keep engaged on the site thereby increasing site audience. Using a consumer driven approach we switched back to a simpler theme, reduced the number of plugins and iteratively redesign the theme to have a distinct and unique look that supports any device.

 Hope you like it?