Hello... I'm Kelechi Ngaka a computer scientist who makes things (code/food/designs), and welcome to my awesome blog powered by Blogger

Ultimate File Hide for Windows

Saturday Jan 2012, It was just me on a friends laptop with no internet (Subsidy) doing nothing (thanks to ASUU). While playing around I tried some very awkward things to actually find new things one could do with the system, and came up with the Ultimate File Hide technique for Windows. (It’s so easy even my great-grandmother can do it… As in :D)
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Welcome to 2012

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What you're about to read isn't tech related, it's just a random post.

We all enjoyed our 2011 even for the downturns and we thank God we made it. It was an eye opener for most of us in the tech world. Oh I mentioned tech "silly me". 

2012 is an even and a leap year and everyone's having that even feeling. Many talked about it, many dreamt to see it, many prepared for it, many thought of it,
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