Hello... I'm Kelechi Ngaka a computer scientist who makes things (code/food/designs), and welcome to my awesome blog powered by Blogger

GoodBye 2012... Hello 2013!


Today is the 366th day in year 2012 i.e the crossover day to 2013.

Everyone I know is highly spirited and thankful to God for seeing us through previous years and now about to enter a new year. Since this is the last post in 2012, I decided to ask myself some 2012 questions...

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of the post.

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Mind Messenger - S.I.W.E.S Project


Last-week, we defended our S.I.W.E.S projects and it went well for most of us. Different applications were trending from Web, Desktop to even Mobile Application Software. As lazy as a toad, I developed a Local Area Network Messaging System.

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Are You An Ubuntard?


A catchy title and a rhetorical question I can use to quickly share something new. 

My brother introduced me to Linux because it's the operating system used at his company. Then asked me to teach him how to use Linux OS >>>>>>>An O.S I had no experience. Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development. In lay terms Linux is another Operating System like Windows and Mac.

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